Princess's Drabbles

I am now opening commissions!
Using Ko-Fi you can "buy me a coffee" for $5 and you get a drabble. It's basically a platform mostly used for small products and services.


1. I define drabbles as anything under 1000 words, though I will not charge you more if it goes over, as I have a bad habit of going over at times.
♡ These are $5 and will be charged before I post the work! You can also pay early if you would like, but it is not required.
2. Long Fics and Multichapter Fics are essentially the same as one another, it’s just formatted differently. Long fics are one-shots, and mult-chapter fics are about 1000 words per chapter.3. Long Fics are charged at the end when I am finished with the commission.
♡ I charge $5 for every 1000 words. You can commission up to 10,000 words.
4. Multichapter fics have the option of charging the full commission price at the end, or charging per chapter.
♡ I charge $5 per chapter, and chapters can run a little under or over 1000 words. If the chapter goes over 1000 words you will NOT be charged extra
I specialize with writing Rise, 2012, 2003, 2007, and Mutant Mayhem. I can also semi-comfortably write for the Bay movies, 1987, Batman vs TMNT (movie), and the 90s movies, but my characterizations might not be the the greatest, and aspects of the canon plot might escape me.
♡ I can attempt to write other iterations, but since I have not consumed enough of the content for those iterations, I may characterize them wrong and won't be able to properly address specific events within the plot.
6. You can send me as detailed of a prompt as you want, over any topic you want! Just be aware that some prompts I may not be able to write in the word count you requested. I will let you know if this is an issue.7. I would prefer to keep the NSFW very light, cause Ko-Fi technically doesn't allow NSFW content. But if you want something explicitly NSFW, please DM on Twitter the prompt details, do not send it through Kofi.5. I reserve the right to reject any prompt I feel uncomfortable with, and if I do you will be asked for a new prompt.
♡ If you are requesting a Long Fic or a Multichapter fic, please DM me before paying for a commission! This is to ensure I am actually able to write the full commission.
6. For legal purposes, by commissioning me, you are purchasing the document file itself, not the AO3 story. The AO3 story is considered a "gift" to you, but it still technically belongs to me.
♡ I will send you the downloadable document, and I will ask if you mind me posting it to AO3, and if you would like me to gift it to your AO3 account.
♡ You can reject one or both if you'd like, absolutely no worries. This is useful though if you don’t have an AO3 account and don’t want one, or if you would like to remain anonymous.
♡ If you do not have an AO3 account and would like one, you can DM me and I will send you an invite to join AO3!
8. Repurposing my fic for monetary purposes is strictly prohibited! This includes selling my fics or pieces of it, or selling bonded versions of them. You are also not allowed to repost the fic to another website, especially without permission. There are reasons I only post on AO3, and I would like that to be respected. Posting my fics into ChatGPT is also strictly prohibited!9. I only do refunds for orders $10 and over! For that reason, I do not charge until the first full draft is done. Once the rough draft is completed you are required to charge, even if you have changed your mind or you don’t like the fic. This is because I have already put in the labor of writing the fic.
♡ You can, however, ask me to make adjustments to the final work and I will do so as long as it doesn't require a complete rewrite. The best time to do this is when I have the first draft completed!
10. You can have me format your story however you'd like, just be aware that this will only show in the original document, as my options with AO3 are more limited.11. I will warn you right now I am HORRIBLE at proofreading for typos, my brain just doesn't pick them up well, so be aware your story is likely to have a few. If you see some you are more than welcome to let me know at any point, even once the fic is posted, and I will fix those right up.12. I am unsure how much time it will take me to complete commissions, as it honestly depends on how passionate I feel about the prompt, but Drabbles and every 1000 words it will be completed at most within one month's time. Please note that sometimes it may take longer depending on the prompt and and how busy I am. I will warn you ahead of time if that is the case.13. If you do not want to create an Kofi account you can pay me through PayPal or Venmo, but I would strongly prefer you not to as they contain my real name. I may charge you extra if you commission me through those platforms.14. If you commission a work with OCs please be prepared to give me EXTREMELY detailed information about that OC. I am uncomfortable writing OCs because I do not want to portray your character inaccurately, so the more information the better. This can include written information about them, art of them, and sample writings portraying them, (preferably all three). However, ultimately I would strongly recommend either choosing a prompt without an OC, or commissioning a different fanfic writer who may be more experienced with writing OCs.15. You can also commission me for a collaboration projects whether you would like to collaborate with art or with writing! I still charge $5 per 1000 words I write, and we can work out details regarding the collaboration in my DMs.

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